![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:05 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I'm not asking for anything, nor for sympathy. I just need to say this to feel less crazy
So I bought this Chevy Venture a little over a month ago, and already it's doing costly things. The electrical issue from the other day was relatively easy to address, but now I've essentially got a frozen engine, because I can't even be sure that my block heater is even connected to the cable hanging out the front of the van.
The other day I went to start it (YAY IT STARTED), and let it run for over 10 minutes while I get ready for work. Then I get in, and notice the temps are a wee bit higher than normal, which is normally no big deal.
Until I put it into gear, and discover that it's overheating, and I didn't even make it to the stop sign before having to shut it off. The stop sign is 80' away.
Did I mention there's no heat in the van?
So my landlady drives me to work and picks me up afterwards, no big deal there, other than it's a pain for her, as packing up the kids to pick up a renter has gotta be a PITA for her. While I'm at work, I look at HOWTO's for fixing various issues, one of which is bleeding the cooling system for that model. The videos I saw have a pipe that the rad hose is connected to with a bleeder valve on it for this very purpose.
Guess what I don't have on this POS? That's right, the bleeder screw.
I've been in this frozen wasteland for a little over four years. I've been through six fucking cars in that time. I, despite what the numbers may tell you, DO take care of my vehicles.
Anyone who says to suck it up and get a loan can lick my scrotum - I am an alcoholic who made shitty decisions over a twenty year period, and fiscal decisions were the bulk of them, so I have very bad credit. Don't even go there.
I am not asking for anything. Money, parts, a car that works. Reliably, that is. Not from you, not from anyone.
I've bummed money off of more people than I can count, not that I'd want to count, because the number would depress me even further, and I can' take being depressed any further than I already am.
I just need to fucking vent so I can feel a little less crazy. I'd love to be able to have someone physical to talk to, but I can't even leave the house, as there's no-one in this little fucking burg that I know, and Saskatoon is even a fair distance in the summer time to walk to - I'd die of hypothermia LONG before I'd even reach the train tracks right now.
Yes, it's that cold.
Knights of Amalur and Fourza are shitty substitutes for being able to go out and about.
Fuck Chevrolet, Fuck Christmas, fuck Saskatchewan, and Fuck me.
I haven't wanted a goddamn drink this fucking bad in a long time.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:26 |
Fuck shitty cars!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:29 |
Sounds like a bad heater core, you could probably pick up one for cheapish. Just going to be a bitch to replace as you have to remove most of the dash to get to it. Or buy a replacement pipe with the bleeder hose, I can't see that being to expensive.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:31 |
Hang in there bro. Life's shitty sometimes, but it gets better. There's probably an alternate way to bleed it, or there's some other solution. Understandably, spending money isn't your priority, but is the hose replaceable with the one that DOES have the bleeder screw?
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:34 |
Still tough to work on, as I've got limited tools and no garage to work in.
Go look up the weather for Saskatoon, the temp is the same here. Now imagine working on a rats nest like the Venture in that temp. Even if I had the means to get into Saskatoon, I still couldn't do it on the limited funds I have right now.
And to be honest, I don't even want to think about replacing the heater core. It was a pain in the Voyager, and it was 'easily' accessible. removing the dash in this weather?
I've missed enough work. I don't want to miss any more because frostbite's done my fingers in.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:35 |
Feelin' any better?
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:35 |
Too right. I feel like sticking a rag in the fuel spout and lighting that bitch up.
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A little. My depression gets bad this time of year as it is, shit like this doesn't make it any better.
I just hate missing work. and like I said in my followup post, I didn't even see the actual heater cord, I just plugged it into essentially nothing. I may have totally fucked up my van.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:38 |
Quite likely there is one, but the captive parts industry being the way it is, it's likely out of my price range, as I've only got $180 to my name. That's not including the thermostat, gasket and coolant I'll have to buy.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:48 |
Fair enough, I'd say get a replacement hose then and I know auto parts stores do tool rental although I don't know the specifics but it might be worth checking out.
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NAPA will likely rent out tools (not sure how that'd work without a CC), but having a heated space would be very much preferred.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 14:58 |
Cant you bleed it by starting it with the rad cap off. Helps to have it on an incline with the rad being higher than the hosing/core. It's called burping. But if you're overheating, it might be you're leaking coolant or your fan isn't working but the most common problem is a malfunctioning thermostat . Those are a cinch to replace and from what you said, that's your problem (won't get heat until thermostat does the switch)
Also that picture is scary
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:00 |
naa it wouldn't be the heater core. How would that make the engine overheat?
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:09 |
The pic was the first result in GIS for "scary depressed" and is highly descriptive of the state I'm in right now.
As for inclines, this is Saskatchewan. Imagine Kansas, but with snow and scary cold.
I imagine the thermostat is part of the problem, but not having a shop or proper tools to take the air connector and crossover pipe off, it's beyond what I'm capable of doing at the moment. I can't do what the HOWTO's indicate without taking my gloves off, and taking my gloves off is not something I'm willing to do, to be honest, because I like my fingers the colour that they are right now.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:12 |
Heater cores work by passing hot coolant through a rad like device thereby heating the air passing over it. Old trick when your car is over heating is to blast the heat at max to help keep the engine coolish until you can get somewhere to fix it.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:13 |
Hang in there man. I know that isn't much help but if there are any Oppos in your area, hopefully somebody will offer to help you. I know I would.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:20 |
Could always offer to help around a auto shop for free if they'd let you use their garage for a day or two, or offer to pay for it if you have the money.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:22 |
That means a lot dude, it really does!
I'm not sure anyone on Oppo is even from Saskatchewan. Scorpio used to be on here before the Kinjapocalypse, but I don't know where he is now.
The closest ones other than that are in Alberta and Ontario, and that's a very long drive just to help another OppoLocker..
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:24 |
I thought about asking the local shop guy, but I'd have to be able to drive there, and the van scares me with the noises it makes as it is. I don't have a problem working on my van, as long as I get to keep my fingers!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:39 |
Yeah don't know how to help you there, sorry.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 15:48 |
Although now that I think about it, how old is your thermostat on the motor? If it's still the same one you bought it with, change it as it's cheap easy fix. If it's blocked it could be what's causing the coolant not to get to the heater core, if it still over heats then get the pipe. At least then you don't have to worry about the thermostat going bad on you.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 16:04 |
Those 3400 v6 engines overheat easily. Do a little reading on 3400 lower intake manifold gasket failure. Gm used crap plastic in the intake gasket which cracks and leaks coolant into your oil. Check the oil for a chocolate milkshake color. If so it's about $250 of parts and 8 hours of time. I know it's cold as balls where you are so working on it isn't much of an option. If your oil looks good try squeezing the upper rad hose coming from the water pump a few times to force some air into the overflow where it can vent. That is the high spot in the system. Good luck man. Hope it gets better.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 16:05 |
Yeah I'm from Manitoba I know what a prairie province looks like. If you're broke and aren't willing to get your ass in gear to do the job then I don't know what to tell ya. My dad just replaced his starter in this weather so it's doable. Just bundle up. Seriously dude all you need is like 20 dollars in tools, a 10 dollar thermostat, and some elbow grease.
Also the thermostat was my assumption based on what you told me. If I were you I'd make a post on a forum describing all the symptoms to get the best answer.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 16:28 |
I have it mostly licked, mostly from the suggestion from you guys (you included!).
I'll be making a separate post on the main Oppo page once my fingers thaw out better.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 16:41 |
Now that's what I like to hear! Good on ya!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 16:56 |
Check the Oppo front page now! :-)
![]() 12/08/2013 at 16:57 |
Just saw the forecast for Saskatoon - holy balls its cold!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 17:02 |
There aren't many times I regret moving here from British Columbia, but weather like this certainly sparks it.
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I worked in Norway for a year, for a week I rode my bicycle to work in those temperatures. It wasn't great to say the least.
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A co-worker bikes year-round to work. The dude is completely not right in the head.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 17:17 |
I do too, but at least it's a bit warmer where I live now. The worst part about riding in - 20c is inhaling that super cold air. Don't miss it one bit.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 18:20 |
Hang in there, Zad; we're here for you!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 18:30 |
Thanks Hon!
I did eventually get it fixed (due to some artful prodding by fellow Oppolockers!) and while she doesn't put out as much heat as Id like, at least she's running better!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 18:32 |
I'm glad to hear that.........really.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 18:36 |
Yeah, my depression really gets the better of me sometimes. I can cover it with odd humour most of the time, but today was kinda bad.
Oppo to the rescue!
![]() 12/08/2013 at 18:38 |
"Oppo to the rescue!" That gives me a warm feeling.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 18:44 |
Dude we here for you. You gotta vent then let it rip and I am really glad you got it fixed. Pat yourself on the back for doing that seriously live in the success and move onto the next succcess. I know alot of what you suffer I have depression too and it also sucks not having freinds to talk to about cars and stuff. I think thats why I come here so much.
![]() 12/08/2013 at 19:00 |
Well it certainly made a difference for me!
I just get this crippling anxiety that whatever I'm about to do will just fuck it up further, and since I already have a tendency to beat myself up, I just get into a 'race condition' of self-loathing and end up not doing anything about it.
If I had the money for it, I'd buy everyone here a beer. No joke.
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